Each month, Eleyo releases ongoing updates to the Child Care Attendance app. This month’s updates contain a series of improvements to the syncing capabilities of the app and the ability to view, update and record child contact photos. Here is a breakdown of some of the new features:
- Network Task — Enables the Eleyo Child Care Attendance app to complete network tasks, such as sending or receiving attendance data from the server if the app is minimized or the device is locked while completing the request.
- Background Refresh Syncing — Allows the Eleyo Child Care Attendance app to periodically check for unsynced data and attempt to sync that data while the app is in the background or the device is locked. To enable this feature, users need to enable Background App Refresh.
- View, Update and Record Child Contact Photos — In addition to viewing and recording child photos from the Eleyo Child Care Attendance app, users can now view and record/update child contact photos. For child contacts (authorized pickups) who already have a profile within Eleyo that has a profile picture set, those photos are now displayed in the app. Note — when a user account is created, either with a Google or Facebook account, the system automatically pulls a profile picture from one of those accounts if an image isn't manually set within Eleyo.
Deep Dive: Enable Background App Refresh:
- Open device settings
- Scroll down and tap on the Eleyo Child Care Attendance App
- Switch on Background App Refresh

Additionally, users may now attempt to manually sync any unsynced data on the device with the Eleyo administration site. Users can now navigate to the settings tab, and if the device has unsynced records or is unable to connect to Eleyo, the following notification bar will appear at the top of the page.

Tapping the notification bar will bring users to the following screen where they can attempt to reconnect to Eleyo and sync the unsynced records. This screen also indicates the number of unsynced records on the device.

Eleyo’s Child Care Attendance app is now available to Eleyo districts on the App Store.