Our latest Child Care Attendance app update is here, and it’s a fun one. We are excited to announce the new interactive dashboard for the Eleyo Child Care Attendance app with real-time updates! The new interactive dashboard includes the following features:
- Updated dashboard graph with real-time updates.
- Ability to view past and future days from the dashboard, including interactive daily count tabs.
- Interactive daily count tabs — the new dashboard allows users to tap on the count totals for the Scheduled, Attended, Absent, or Drop In children per section to view those children.
- Ability to view upcoming schedule changes.
Viewing Daily Counts
To get started, users can select one of the four new interactive daily counts, Scheduled, Attended, Absent, or Drop In. Selecting one of the counts will bring users to list of children within that group.

Viewing Upcoming Schedule Changes
Site staff can view upcoming scheduled changes at a glance by tapping the View Upcoming Schedule Changes link.

Additionally, users can navigate directly to a child’s show page from any daily count’s tabs list and the upcoming schedule changes.
For more information on the interactive dashboard, please see our learn article Dashboard Overview.